Month: August 2018

Heat from Underneath

Temperature varies all throughout the year. Whether you are from the West side of the world enjoying snow in the winter or somewhere in the East savoring the heat of the sun, you are never certain that these temperatures will be permanent. Change is the only thing that’s constant, as they say.

For some people, they only care about the temperature above the ground. Little do they know that the temperature below ground stays fairly consistent all year regardless of the climate or season. The area just a few feet below the earth’s surface has a temperature that is roughly around 55°-70°F year-round, utterly different from the air temperature that varies greatly from day to night or when seasons change.… read full article

Ducts and Health Problems

Untidy ducts in your HVAC system cause many problems including poor indoor air quality and higher utility costs.  When the air is contaminated, the pollutants are transferred throughout your home causing your family to possibly get sick. If it’s been a while since you’ve changed the filters or cleaned the ducts, you may start experiencing strange noises and smelling strange odors originating from the HVAC system, or frequent breakdowns.  If this is the case, contact a HVAC professional immediately.

Contaminants can also grow underneath wallpaper, carpeting, and sinks, on ceilings and inside the insulation systems which makes it difficult to fully eradicate them. Along with the high humidity levels during spring and summer, it can also lead to allergen growth, … read full article

Climate Ready HVAC Systems

HVAC systems help us keep our cool when the scrutinizing heat begins to set in and gives us warmth when the snowflakes start to fall. But, we also have to take into account that they also need to cool down and they also need proper and regular maintenance to ensure that they are always in their best condition. In order to cool us down, they too need to reboot and be refreshed to ensure that it stays in its best condition. ACs need to be tuned up and checked regularly to avoid failures, damages, and malfunctions from happening.

Some may be skeptical about maintaining our HVAC systems because it may cause us a lot of time, money and effort to … read full article

Air Conditioners – How They Work

Air conditioning units, although unique in their own way due to its variety, actually have the same working components. These working components include the condenser, evaporator coil, refrigerant, expansion valve, the compressor and other parts that make the unit as it is. All of these components all work together in order to transport the heat and moisture from inside of your homes towards the outside. This is how air conditioning units give us the right amount of coolness we ask for.

The inner workings and components of an air conditioning unit are frank and straight to the point. There are a lot of parts such as the heat exchange pipes, a refrigerant tank and an air conditioner damper that is … read full article